Online classes are common at colleges and universities all around the country. While working to complete your program here at Cleveland Community College, you might encounter the need to take a course online. Online courses are different from the traditional courses you might be used to and require a different set of skills for you to be successful. This assessment will help you identify your potential for success in online classes and offer suggestions to help you improve your skills.
Please think carefully about each question. Answer them honestly and to the best of your ability. The results of this assessment will not impact any grade or your ability to take online courses in any way. This only allows us to have the information we need to provide you with the resources to make sure that you’re successful. Once you’re finished, click the “Print” button at the bottom of the page to print your results. Take your printed results to your advisor so they can give you further assistance and help create a plan to meet your needs.
Now that we have all that out of the way, let's get started with some personal information. What is your first name?
Thanks, . What is your last name?
Now, what is your student ID number? If you don't have a student ID number yet, you can leave this blank.
Alright, . That's all the personal information we need. Let's get started with the assessment.